Surrey, Cloverdale, and Langley Housing Market Update - May 28, 2023

100 new listings came to the market this past week in Surrey! Overall, new listings are up in Surrey, Cloverdale and Langley compared to the week before.

We can call this the long weekend bump! Right now the hottest properties are townhomes and condos especially as 1st time home buyers are entering the market. We have helped 4 first time home buyers secure their home in the past week.

Now for single family homes, multiple offers are happening at some but not all. It depends on what type of property it is, the condition of the home, how well it is marketed and most importantly the price.

If you want to know what’s happening in your neighborhood, please give us a call or send us a DM and we’d be happy to help.

PJ @ 604-725-1258 | Razaik @ 604-537-8447